Dr. Philip Hurd - 770-455-6767

November 2005


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Depression Improved with Chiropractic, Research Shows

A research study published in the November 7, 2005 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, showed a positive result in the care of individuals with depression. For the purpose of this study subjects were selected on the basis of being over 18 years of age and having depression noted in their medical history file. Fifteen participants completed the study and were used in determining the results.

In the discussion section of the study, it was noted that the concept of chiropractic care`s role in mental health was not a new idea.  In fact it was reported that two major chiropractic psychiatric hospitals functioned successfully for nearly thirty years in Davenport, Iowa. 

The subjects of this study were given a standardized test known as the Beck Depression Inventory (aka BDI-II) both before and after receiving specific chiropractic care for correction of subluxations.  To be consistent, the same process of analysis and techniques of correction were used in correcting the subluxations determined to be present.  Before and after x-rays were also used to determine the presence and correction of the subluxations.

The results showed a significant improvement of the average BDI-II scores of the group.  Lower BDI-II are considered better than higher scores. The higher the level the more severe the depression.  The group as a whole scored a 17 in the BDI-II before chiropractic.  After chiropractic care for correction of their subluxations the groups average score improved to 8. 

On an individual basis, eleven participants experienced marked improvement, two had minimal improvement while 2 participants scored worse on the follow up test.  The researchers noted that this research tested and supported the hypothesis that chiropractic correction of the subluxation complex reduced depressive symptomatology.

The researchers concluded by stating, "This study’s results provide support for the hypothesis that a positive relationship exists between a correction of the occipitoatlantoaxial subluxation complex and a reduction in depressive symptoms in some people."




Parents Turn to Organic Food

The above headline comes from a November 8, 2005 CNN online story that features the increase of organic foods for children and babies. The story notes that according to the marketing information company ACNielsen, since last year, sales of organic baby food have jumped nearly 18 percent, double the overall growth of organic food sales. A large reason for the change is the concern over the amount of pesticides that appear in non-organic baby food. 

Dr. Alan Greene, a pediatrician in northern California notes that the concern about children is that they are more vulnerable to toxins in their diets.  He states, " As children grow rapidly, their brains and organs are forming and they eat more for their size than do grown-ups."  Dr. Greene went on to say, "Pound for pound, they get higher concentrations of pesticides than adults do."

New government-funded research showed that children whose diets were switched from regular to organic food found their pesticide levels plunged almost immediately. The study then showed that the amount of pesticide detected in the children remained imperceptible until their diets were switched back to conventional food.

Emory University`s Chensheng Lu, who led the Environmental Protection Agency-funded research was surprised at the dramatic decrease in toxins in the study after the switch to organic food.  He commented, "We didn`t expect that to drop in such dramatic fashion."

The article notes that in non-organic foods, the highest pesticide levels, are found in apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, imported grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, red raspberries, spinach and strawberries




National Health Survey Shows More People Using Chiropractic

The October 2005 issue of the Journal of Aging and Health published the results of a health survey that showed that about 40% of people between the ages of 35 and 64 years reported that they use one of several forms of non-medical healthcare for either disease prevention, treatment of ailments, or both.  The study grouped all non-medical forms of care into what they referred to as "CAM" (complementary and alternative medicine).

The survey showed that slightly more than a third of all U.S. adults surveyed said they used some form of CAM procedures, including herbs, megavitamins, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, and yoga.  The study also showed that men and women in their 40s and 50s were most likely to use these procedures.  Additionally, this usage was geared more toward prevention than toward treatment of any specific condition or problem.

Researcher, Dr. Grzywacz from Wake Forest University School of Medicine and his colleagues wrote, "The results of this study indicate that middle-aged adults are more likely than younger or older adults to use all types of CAM, and that they are less likely than both older and younger adults to use any CAM modality to treat a specific condition."

The study was conducted by analyzing data from 31,044 adult participants in the 2002 National Health Interview Survey. This national sample has been conducted annually since 1957 by the Center for Disease and Control`s National Center for Health Statistics.

According to the study, age was a factor in the usage of CAM procedures.  It was found that 12.6% of 45 to 54 year olds use chiropractic, massage and similar methods.  That number dropped to 8.7% of those in the age group of 18 to 24, and down to only 2.1% of those 85 and older.  The authors noted that the use of chiropractic, massage, meditation and yoga also tend to climb through adulthood, but falls off after age 84.

The study was underwritten by a grant from the National Center on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a division of the National Institutes of Health.




Obesity Surgery Is Much Riskier Than Previously Thought

A study published in the October 19, 2005 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) revealed that the risks associated with obesity surgery (technically known as bariatric surgery) are higher than previously thought.  The study shows that the obesity surgery, which is a very drastic way to lose weight, is far more dangerous and involves considerably higher risks of death than previously thought.

Previous studies showed that the risk of death for this elective surgery was well under 1 percent. This new study shows that among those ages 35 to 44, within one year after surgery, 5 percent of men and 3 percent of women were dead.  The study also shows that the risk increases with age. Patients from 65 to 74 who receive this surgery are at a much higher risk.  In this age group 13 percent of men and 6 percent of women died within one year after the surgery.  The study, involved 16,155 Medicare patients who underwent obesity surgery between 1997 and 2002

University of Washington surgeon Dr. David Flum, lead author of the study noted, "The risk of death is much higher than has been reported."  He continued, "It`s a reality check for those patients who are considering these operations."

Presently the number of these types of surgeries have been increasing rapidly over recent years. The American Society for Bariatric Surgery predicts obesity surgery will be performed more than 150,000 times this year. 

The conclusions of the authors published in JAMA were, "Among Medicare beneficiaries, the risk of early death after bariatric surgery is considerably higher than previously suggested and associated with advancing age, male sex, and lower surgeon volume of bariatric procedures. Patients aged 65 years or older had a substantially higher risk of death within the early postoperative period than younger patients."




Chiropractic Is Safe National Campaign Started

Chiropractic has a long history of being the safest of the major health professions, with the fewest negative events.  Although no procedure is entirely safe, chiropractic care stands as being one of the safest forms of healthcare available.  To highlight this fact, on October 26, 2005 the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) initiated a campaign to offer the truth about the chiropractic professions safety.

This campaign consists of press releases, billboards, bumper stickers and in-office material.  ICA has also established a website for consumers, offering factual information on chiropractic safety and effectiveness, and contrasting factual and well-referenced information on the risks of many standard medical procedures. Now on-line at www.chiropracticissafe.org, this website is being constantly updated and improved, so consumers can access responsible information on the vital issue of safety, free from the scare tactics that have so regularly been used by chiropractic’s critics and competitors to drive patients away from seeking chiropractic care.

In the past competing groups and critics of chiropractic have tried to falsely call into question the safety record of chiropractic. ICA President Dr. John K. Maltby states, "ICA members worldwide are determined to share with the public an accurate, ethical and responsible message about chiropractic.”

"The all too frequent attacks on our profession falsely alleging safety concerns are not an issue of free speech,” said Dr. Maltby. “This is a matter akin to the famous ‘Crying fire in a crowded theatre.’ The public is entitled to honest, accurate information on such important issues as safety and effectiveness, and the ICA is determined to provide a strong, accurate message in the face of the offensive and inappropriate efforts we have seem from some of chiropractic’s critics and competitors. This is the motivation behind this new campaign.”




Pet Chiropractic

From the October 22, 2005 online MSNBC comes a cute story of how dogs and cats were helped by chiropractic.  The story starts off by reporting on a 4 year old beagle named Molly, who was found paralyzed in her backyard and was unable to walk.  After six visits for chiropractic care designed specifically for animals, Molly was able to run and play in the park, like a normal 4-year-old.

The article features a chiropractor, Dr. Ruth M. Poole, who has taken additional training and now sees pets as a regular part of her practice.  Dr. Poole noted which animals may receive benefit from chiropractic. "Possible candidates for the treatments include dogs and cats that may have trouble walking, jumping and climbing stairs, or have hip or spinal disc problems that limit their mobility, she said. Many doctors have treated wryneck in cats as well."

In addition to the story of Molly, the article also highlighted a 10-year-old Old English sheepdog who reportedly hobbled into her office like a little old man.  According to the sheepdog`s owner, this dog was unable to climb steps, jump on his master`s bed or run and play.  In this case it was noted that after the first treatment, he was back up and down the steps.  He continued to improve and after the third visit, he practically dragged his master out the door to her car and that`s after he did what looked like a jump for joy.

Animals can anticipate situations that can cause pain, and Dr. Poole noted that the treatment she renders doesn`t hurt the animals.  She reports that after a couple treatments, the animals look forward to coming into the office. She stated, "It`s like they know they`re going to feel better afterwards."





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